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ScherziMusic Academy

online workshops in piano and composition


Composition & Electronic Music online Workshops

Composing music is often thought of as serious work, and it is.  But it can also be a whole lot of fun.

If you have never composed music on a computer, or if you are looking to deepen your understanding about composition and electronic music, we have many opportunities available.

Workshops and lessons available.

Piano Online Workshops

If you've ever wondered what you could be doing better in your practice room, this is the space to find out!

Deepen your practice - I will be there to help, suggest, encourage and motivate. See how others practice and learn from them too.

Explore technique building, theory, sight-reading and improvisation as a group.

Workshops are 2 hours daily, Monday through Friday for 1 week on Zoom. 

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This is the way I've always wanted to teach: 

Practicing daily with my students and doing group activities to reinforce theory, improvisation, technique-building, sight-reading, and speed-learning skills. 

2 hours a day for 5 days.

Let me practice with you. Work in a group of fellow pianists .

Let's focus more on the work and less on the finished product.

Let's follow our curiosity and do the deep work together. 

Any age group, any level. 



I love teaching.  I love learning.  I love seeing my students grow, learn and build confidence.

Yes, I prefer to work in person with my students, but right now, that is not possible.  

What I have learned this spring is that there are really innovative and effective ways to learn online.

Let's learn together.  I want to get to know you.  I want to help you find a creative outlet through music.


About Us

Nic and Adrienne

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade.

or, as Nic prefers, 'when life gives you limes, you make gin and tonics!'

We are transitioning with the rest of the world to online teaching and have realized it is an opportunity.


These workshops reflect how we've always wanted to teach -- seeing students daily, working with them while they practice and compose so they don't develop bad habits or lose courage between lessons. -- Providing an online community of supportive friends all around the world

to work on reading skills, technique and improvisation. 

It's the way music was taught in the "olden days" when students had multiple lessons a week working on all aspects of music-making. It's the way artists and architects learn -- in studio classes where they can work under the supervision of their teachers instead of all alone. 


We happen to be married to each other but we also make music, teach and parent together so we know the challenges and gifts of creating together. We have both taught at multiple institutions including  Mannes Prep, Kinhaven School of Music, SUNY Purchase, and Syracuse University.

We believe in teaching every age, every level.  

© 2020 Adrienne Kim / ScherziMusicLLC

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